What's all the BUZZ about!?!?!

We did it. We finally decided to give in and start blogging! Why not? I mean, if you want to know what we are up to, then by all means... Feel free to check up on us from time to time. We are making it our mission to keep you up to date with the happenings of PS Photography. This blog serves as our own personal journal for all of our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, travels, and other randomness. So grab a cup of coffee and take some time to snoop around and get to know us a bit better.

ENJOY! if you see anything you like, please feel free to leave us a comment :)

PS has a NEW Blog!

Although blogger has been great to us we have decided it was time for something new. We have customized our new blog with more of a PS look and more importantly: BIGGER pictures. We just weren't satisfied with the thumbnail pictures that blogger limited us to. The other super cool new feature of our new blog is our comment section. You can now better visualize comments from fans and of course from us girls at PS Photography. So the wait is over, click on the link below and check it out for yourselves. Oh and don't forget to leave a comment or two, we thrive on getting them and we love to hear our fans' thoughts! So if you are a fan of PS, it is your duty to leave comments on our posts...pretty pleasssseee!!!!

P.S. is excited to unveil our brand new blog - WWW.PSPHOTOGRAPHYBLOG.COM

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