Naisleth came in to our studio the same day that Aiden was born! I was so nervous for Patty, that I rambled on and on, and the interview went on for over 1 hour. But, I knew Naisleth was going to be our bride. We instantly clicked and the rest is history.
Patty did Naisleth and Roberto's E-session in Calle Oche, and the chemistry was amazing, so I just knew that their wedding would be no exception.
The ceremony was in St. Patrick's, which always lends itself to fabulous pictures. Naisleth and Roberto showed eachother so much love. We were able to capture so many of their glances and giggles. It's always so inspiring to have a couple that is that much in-love and not afraid to show it!!!
The reception was in the glamorous Miami Beach Resort&Spa, where we took advantage of some great backdrops for some great portraits... We couldn't take full advantage of the hotel because there happen to be a huge Salsa Convention that same night. The lobby (which is awesome) was full of salseros dancing the night away!
Naisleth and Roberto, your wedding was full of excitement and emotions, and we only wish that your marriage be just as passionate!!!
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