As most of you blog stalkers know, we strive to be unique. With a location like this it's not that hard! That is why this has been our favorite engagement session yet! I know that it's a pretty bold statement, but we just LOVE how these pictures came out. It also helped having two awesome people to photograph. Nicki and Steve are both photographers... which is a first. This is also our first engagement session in Vero Beach! We're moving on up...the coast that is! So for those of you wanting to know a little about the backdrop of this session, it was an old diesel plant. Nicki was able to get us the keys so we could get in. This building, by the way, is in the middle of being restored, which makes this session even more special. We also tested out our brand new freaking awesome 85mm 1.8 lens. Oh yes we are proud owners of a prime lens which is now called "our baby". Now you know why this is my favorite session yet. I want more!!!
---patty & susie
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love. :-D i got goosebumps guys.
Great job ladies!
Love Nicki & Steve... and the diesel plant! Good thing you all didn't get arrested. : )
omgoodness! THEY ARE FABULOUS!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS SESSION....awesome girls, just awesome! :o) congrats to the couple....they have beautiful photos to treasure forever....breathtaking!
Best session yet, eh? Ma'am, I accept your challenge ;-)
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